Historic West End | CHARLOTTE, NC

Gold Line Expansion Scenario Plan


Charlotte, North Carolina has been making significant investments in public transit to serve a growing city and also encourage new walkable, connected growth in downtown neighborhoods. This project aided the City of Charlotte and Charlotte Area Transportation System (CATS) identify opportunities for development along the Gold Line streetcar. In order to preserve the surrounding character of the neighborhood an infill approach was taken by tailoring lot sizes with a variety of housing and commercial building types that best suit each shape and size. Synthesizing existing policy and regulatory requirements with current zoning code lead to the recommendation that the City revise the Tree Ordinance requirements that currently prohibit the market from natural growth in the study area.


Smart Growth promotes transportation practices that advance environmental sustainability and equitable economic development, while maintaining high standards of livability. Maintaining short blocks and human scale architecture inspires a walkable community and planning for appropriate affordable housing policies so the existing neighborhood can continue to be inclusive for existing residents.


  • Incremental & catalytic development at four Gold Line stops
  • Integrated multi-model transit with mixed-use
  • Active complete transit streets
  • Mixed Income Housing
  • Transition to existing neighborhoods with use and scale
  • Neighborhood Preservation
  • Small blocks and pedestrian access to maintain walkability of neighborhood
  • New West End Gateways
  • Economic Revitalization

Project Information

  • Client: Smart Growth America
  • Building size/acres: 150 acres
  • Residential dwelling units: 1,975 sq.ft.
  • Commercial: 666,000 sq.ft.
  • Institutional: 39,000 sq.ft.
  • Completed: Fall 2017

Van Meter Williams Pollack LLP