News, Awards, Features, and History

California Street Master Plan

DESCRIPTION VMWP is helping Greystar to reposition a fading strip retail property in Mountain View as a four building mixed-use Transit Oriented Development. Leveraging the site’s location less than a quarter mile from the San Antonio Caltrain Station, the proposed project represents a significant implementation of […]

MacArthur Streetscape

DESCRIPTION The MacArthur Boulevard Conceptual Commercial Revitalization Plan provides urban design recommendations to improve the physical appearance of three target areas along MacArthur Boulevard, between 73rd Avenue and Durant Avenue at the Oakland/San Leandro border. Design concepts were developed and refined through a community process that […]

North End Station TOD

DESCRIPTION North End Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is a 203 acre site on the last leg of the North Metro FasTracks line. This development is considered Transit Ready Development, phased in response to market realities and established when the FasTracks North Metro line is put into […]

Portland Infill Prototypes

DESCRIPTION In recent years, Portland has experienced a large amount of multi-dwelling and row house development. This provides needed housing for the residents. However, not all of this development has met the community’s design goals, such as respecting desired neighborhood character and contributing to a pedestrian-oriented […]

South Westminster Station TOD

DESCRIPTION South Westminster Transit Oriented Development [TOD] is a 100 acre redevelopment of an existing industrial neighborhood into a vibrant, mixed use neighborhood. The existing site [which required significant environmental remediation] is located adjacent to the Boulder/ Denver commuter rail tracks and was selected as the […]

EPA Smart Growth Charettes

DESCRIPTION VMWP is the urban design and architectural consultant for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Smart Growth Technical Assistance Program Team. The EPA Technical Assistance Program provides grants in the form of technical assistance from economic urban design and traffic and circulation specialists to communities faced with […]

Sereno Transit ViIllage

DESCRIPTION The Sereno Transit Village Concept Plan presents a vision for the redevelopment and transformation of an existing retail area into a pedestrian-oriented walkable mixed use center. The plan includes a conceptual design for the Sereno Transit Center, land use recommendations for the surrounding area, and […]

Santa Clara Transit Area Plan

DESCRIPTION The Santa Clara Transit Area Study, initiated in Fall 2001 and funded by a grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, examined existing conditions and identified opportunities for new and in-fill development and redevelopment around the historic train depot and future BART Station in order to […]

ABAG Smart Growth

DESCRIPTION The Smart Growth Strategy Place Types model was part of a regional planning effort intended to achieve support among public officials, civic leaders, and stakeholder organizations for a preferred land use pattern informing how the Bay Area could grow over the next 20 years. The […]

North Bayshore Precise Plan

DESCRIPTION VMWP is collaborating with Raimi + Associates on overhauling the zoning and regulatory structure of Mountain View to allow the construction of up to 10,000 housing units in a mixed-use neighborhood in the North Bayshore area. VMWP is spearheading the urban design, block structure, street […]

Van Meter Williams Pollack LLP