The Smart Growth Strategy Place Types model was part of a regional planning effort intended to achieve support among public officials, civic leaders, and stakeholder organizations for a preferred land use pattern informing how the Bay Area could grow over the next 20 years. The […]
VMWP is collaborating with Raimi + Associates on overhauling the zoning and regulatory structure of Mountain View to allow the construction of up to 10,000 housing units in a mixed-use neighborhood in the North Bayshore area. VMWP is spearheading the urban design, block structure, street […]
VMWP’s work on the East Palo Alto General Plan includes urban design and housing direction and the development of the Westside Community Plan for the area of East Palo Alto west of US-101. The Urban Design chapter of the General Plan will focus on strengthening […]
The South San Francisco Transit Village Plan encompasses 50 acres of existing neighborhoods and new development parcels within about 1/2 mile of the new South San Francisco BART Station. The plan was developed during a 6-month process in collaboration with a Technical Advisory Committee, Planning […]
The City of San Leandro is embarking on the creation of a Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan to create a vision, policies, standards, and implementation strategies for the future of the Bay Fair area. The project area spans both the City of San Leandro and […]
The Visitacion Valley/Schlage Lock Master Plan redevelops the 20- acre brownfield site into a vibrant mixed-use and transit-oriented neighborhood. The project is at the southern edge of San Francisco and the northern end of the future Baylands development. The new neighborhood extends the city grid […]
VMWP has provided urban design expertise to the Precise Plan process for 3.9 miles of El Camino Real in Mountain View. The analysis and design guidelines build the framework necessary to reposition ECR from a typical low-density suburban arterial into a ‘Grand, multi-modal, mixed-use Boulevard […]
The Grand Boulevard Initiative is the coordinated planning effort of multiple Cities, Counties and agencies to develop a Vision for approximately 50 miles of the El Camino Real corridor into a series of vibrant mixed use hubs. VMWP worked closely with Strategic Economics, the prime […]
The Pleasanton TOD Standards and Guidelines, put together with TransACT for the City of Pleasanton and BART, creates overlay zones for three parcels in the Hacienda Business Park PUD and the BART parcel to allow for the incremental development of a TOD village around the […]
The Upper Kirby District is located in the heart of Houston. Between the Galleria area and downtown, Upper Kirby District is immediately adjacent to Greenway Plaza, River Oaks, West University, and Montrose. The Livable Centers Study for the Upper Kirby study area builds upon and […]