News, Awards, Features, and History

Barbosa Relocation Improvements

Description The Barbosa Relocation Improvement master plan project aims to enhance community infrastructure, tackle flooding issues, and provide safe housing, especially for older adult homeowners. VMWP developed seven site plan schemes, ultimately selecting two preferred designs that focus on connectivity and infrastructure improvements. The first design […]

Former Duofold Factory

Description The Village of Ilion, NY is located in Herkimer County along the Mohawk River. Technical assistance was provided via brownfields reuse planning for the contaminated Duofold Site. The Duofold Plant Redevelopment Concept Plan illustrates a comprehensive site redevelopment and revitalizing of the contaminated property into […]

North Nevada Livable Community Plan

DESCRIPTION The North Nevada Livable Community Plan presents an implementable vision for a 100 acres community on the Northern edge of the City of Nevada, MO. The plan outlines design solutions for this region to be a welcoming community organized around a large neighborhood linear park […]

Housing Development Feasibility Evaluations

Description Three unique sites have been identified by the City and County of Honolulu to evaluate for housing development in accommodating anticipated population growth. Together with Strategic Economics and PBR Hawaii, VMWP is conducting test fits tailored to each site that correlate with housing market analysis, […]

North County Courthouse

Description The Master Plan for North County Courthouse Campus addresses four parcels of approximately 9.7 acres, located in the City of South San Francisco, San Mateo County. The campus houses the publicly held parcels for the North County Courthouse Building, the Probation Department Building, the North […]

Walnut Creek North Downtown Specific Plan

Description The North Downtown Specific Plan covers a dynamic, growing extension of Downtown Walnut Creek. Its notable uses include auto sales and services, contemporary residential developments, Target, and the Golden Triangle office complex. This spectrum of uses capitalize on the area’s close proximity to both the […]

Middlefield Junction

description The Middlefield Junction Strategic Plan addresses three publicly held parcels, approximately 8 acres total, within the Middlefield Junction area of the Fair Oaks Community, in the County of San Mateo and City of Redwood City. The sites have been designated as the community hub for […]

South Westminster Station TOD

DESCRIPTION South Westminster Transit Oriented Development [TOD] is a 100 acre redevelopment of an existing industrial neighborhood into a vibrant, mixed use neighborhood. The existing site [which required significant environmental remediation] is located adjacent to the Boulder/ Denver commuter rail tracks and was selected as the […]

EPA Smart Growth Charettes

DESCRIPTION VMWP is the urban design and architectural consultant for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Smart Growth Technical Assistance Program Team. The EPA Technical Assistance Program provides grants in the form of technical assistance from economic urban design and traffic and circulation specialists to communities faced with […]

ABAG Smart Growth

DESCRIPTION The Smart Growth Strategy Place Types model was part of a regional planning effort intended to achieve support among public officials, civic leaders, and stakeholder organizations for a preferred land use pattern informing how the Bay Area could grow over the next 20 years. The […]

Van Meter Williams Pollack LLP